16 Aug Content Writing vs Bid Writing
It is an undeniable fact that bids completed by a bid writer over a content writer will have a higher win rate. If you are in any doubt then looking at the results will speak for its self.
Understanding the purpose of content is key to producing high-quality work. It’s meant to speak directly with a particular audience, such as customers, potential customers, investors, employees, or other stakeholders. Content can be well-written, researched and creatively conceived, but if it isn’t speaking to the intended audience, it’s not doing its job. This is the same whatever the content. However there are some key points when looking at Content Writing vs Bid Writing we have summarised below:
What is content writing?
Blogs, Case Studies, Website, Social Media, Magazine, Article, Newspapers, PR, Books etc
Content writers need to be well-rounded. While this skill set may seem daunting to newcomers, all that is required to master these traits is practice. If you want to be a content writer, you need the following:
- Solid grip on grammar and style
- Excellent researching ability
- Ability to write quickly and perform under tight deadlines
- Must write in a variety of tones, on a variety of subjects, within a variety of structures
- Strong knowledge of the field you wish to write about
- Creative ability to generate content ideas
As you can see, pure writing ability is important, but far from the only qualification for becoming a content writer. Knowledge, creativity and writing speed are essential.
What is bid writing?
A bid writer is the person within an organisation who completes PQQs and tenders in order to secure contracts for the business. It is one of the most important positions in any organisation and one which takes a special sort of person. The skills needed for this role take time to learn and perfect.
- Analysis of the tender
- Information Gathering
- Technical Compliance and Writing
- Technical Writing
- Structure and Format
- Document Management
- Review
- Formal and informative
What are the key differences and similarities?
Both Content writing and bid writing are related to a subject and need to be written in a fluid, clear and accurate way to ensure the reader understands either the subject or the proposal being discussed. Bid writing requires a concise well formulated answer with a strong compliance knowledge.
Most people have the ability to write a bid however as with other industries the specialist skills needed can be the difference between winning and losing a bid. You wouldn’t make a Chef redundant because someone else can cook.