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      Winning Team Work

      Business, Promotional & Merchandise, Winning work
      About This Project

      When our branded workwear client approached us for help with a tender to supply branded clothing and merchandise, his instructions were: “It’s not a typical tender, this has to look amazing, well thought out and polished.”.

      We relish a challenge, so we put our team to work on it – one to look after responding to the tender and another working on the presentation elements. We started by going through the specification thoroughly to ensure we brought out the major points that needed a response. One of our bid managers put her wordsmithing talents to work to provide a written document that precisely addressed the end client’s requirements.

      Having worked our magic on the words, we passed it through another team member for creative design input to meet the ‘looking polished’ requirement. As this was a tender showcasing our client’s design and branding skills, it was imperative the submission looked attractive and professional.

      Our design guru set to work, selecting the right colours and fonts and adding graphics and photographs to add vibrancy and impact to the document.



      Once completed, we sent a copy over to our client to see if we had met his brief. He was very happy with the final product. And so was the tendering organisation as our client won the work and received feedback stating:

      “I am pleased to inform you that after a thorough review of all submitted proposals, we have selected your to be our new merchandise supplier. We were particularly impressed with your commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer service, which align perfectly with our values and expectations.

      “Thank you for your excellent proposal and for your willingness to collaborate with us.”